- Word Roots
- Prefixes and Suffixes
- Prefix Definitions
- Prefix: Greek a-, an-
- Prefix: Latin ab-
- Prefix: Latin ad-
- Prefix: Greek ana-
- Prefix: Greek ant-, anti-
- Prefix: Latin ante-
- Prefix: Greek apo-, ap-
- Prefix: Latin bene-
- Prefix: Latin bi-
- Prefix: Greek cata-, cath-, cat-
- Prefix: Latin circum-
- Prefix: Latin cis-, citra-
- Prefix: Latin col-, com-, con-
- Prefix: Latin contra-, counter-
- Prefix: Latin de-
- Prefix: Latin demi-
- Prefix: Latin di-, dis-
- Prefix: Greek dia-
- Prefix: Greek dolicho-
- Prefix: Latin du-
- Prefix: Latin duodec-, duoden-
- Prefix: Greek dy-
- Prefix: Greek dys-
- Prefix: Latin e-, ex-
- Prefix: Greek ec-
- Prefix: Latin en-
- Prefix: Greek ennea-
- Prefix: Latin enter-, entre-
- Prefix: Greek epi-
- Prefix: Greek eso-
- Prefix: Greek exo-
- Prefix: Latin exter-
- Prefix: Latin extra-
- Prefix: Greek hemi-
- Prefix: Greek hyper-
- Perfix: Greek hypo-
- Prefix: Latin in-, im-
- Prefix: Latin in-, im-, il-, ir-
- Prefix: Latin infra-
- Prefix: Latin int-
- Prefix: Greek iso-
- Prefix: Greek kine-
- Prefix: Latin magn-
- Prefix: Greek meta-, met-
- Prefix: Greek myri-
- Prefix: Latin ne-
- Prefix: Latin non-
- Prefix: Latin ob-, oc-, of-, op-
- Prefix: Latin omni-
- Prefix: Greek pachy-
- Prefix: Greek pan-, panto-
- Prefix: Greek para-, par-
- Prefix: Greek peri-
- Prefix: Latin post-
- Prefix: Latin pre-
- Prefix: Latin re-
- Prefix: Latin se-
- Prefix: Latin semi-
- Prefix: Latin sub-
- Prefix: Latin super-, supra-
- Prefix: Greek sym-, syn-
- Prefix: Latin trans-, tra-
- Prefix: Greek tri-
- Prefix: Latin ultra-
- Prefix: Latin uni-
- Combining Forms
- Combining Forms: Greek brady
- Combining Forms: Greek ecto
- Combining Forms: Greek endo
- Combining Forms: Greek ento
- Combining Forms: Greek eury
- Combining Forms: Greek gono
- Combining Forms: Greek hecto
- Combining Forms: Greek hepta
- Combining Forms: Greek heter
- Combining Forms: Greek hexa
- Combining Forms: Greek idio
- Combining Forms: Latin inter
- Combining Forms: Latin intra, intro
- Combining Forms: Latin levo
- Combining Forms: Greek macro
- Combining Forms: Greek mega, megal
- Combining Forms: Greek meso
- Combining Forms: Greek micro
- Combining Forms: Latin milli
- Combining Forms: Greek mis
- Combining Forms: Greek necr, nec
- Combining Forms: Greek nephr
- Combining Forms: Greek oct
- Combining Forms: Greek olig
- Combining Forms: Greek orth
- Combining Forms: Greek penta
- Combining Forms: Greek poly
- Combining Forms: Latin retro
- Suffix Definitions
- Suffixes: Latin -able, -ible
- Suffixes: Greek -ac, -iac
- Suffixes: Latin -aceous, -acious
- Suffixes: Latin -acle
- Suffixes: Latin -acy, -cy
- Suffixes: Greek -ad
- Suffixes: Latin -al
- Suffixes: Latin -an, -ian
- Suffixes: Latin -ane
- Suffixes: Latin -aneous
- Suffixes: Latin -arium, -ary
- Suffixes: Latin -asm, -ism
- Suffixes: Latin -ate
- Suffixes: Latin -cide
- Suffixes: Latin -cle, -cule
- Suffixes: Greek -crat
- Suffixes: Latin -em, -eme
- Suffixes: Latin -er, -yer
- Suffixes: Latin -escent
- Suffixes: Greek -esis
- Suffixes: Latin -ferous
- Suffixes: Greek -ia
- Suffixes: Latin -ion, -tion
- Suffixes: Latin -ist
- Suffixes: Greek -itis
- Suffixes: Greek -lexia
- Suffixes: Greek -logy, -ology
- Suffixes: Latin -ment
- Suffixes: Latin -mony
- Suffixes: Greek -oid
- Suffixes: Greek -oma
- Suffixes: Greek -orama
- Suffixes: Greek -osis, -sis
- Suffixes: Latin -rix, -trix
- Suffixes: Greek -rrhea
- Suffixes: Latin -tude
- Suffixes: Latin -ulous
- Suffixes: Greek -y
- Suffixes: Greek -y
- Suffixes: Greek -zoic
- Latin and Greek Roots
- Roots: Latin acid
- Roots: Greek acro
- Roots: Latin agon
- Roots: Latin ambul
- Roots: Greek anem
- Roots: Greek angi
- Roots: Latin anima
- Roots: Latin aren
- Roots: Greek arthr
- Roots: Latin asper
- Roots: Latin audi
- Roots: Latin avi
- Roots: Greek bar
- Roots: Greek bath
- Roots: Latin bib
- Roots: Greek bio
- Roots: Latin brev
- Roots: Greek byss
- Roots: Greek cac
- Roots: Greek calli
- Roots: Latin carn
- Roots: Latin caust, caut
- Roots: Latin celer
- Roots: Greek chlor
- Roots: Greek chron
- Roots: Latin clam
- Roots: Latin cogn
- Roots: Greek crypt
- Roots: Greek dactyl
- Roots: Greek deka
- Roots: Latin dextr
- Roots: Greek dog, dox
- Roots: Greek dyn, dynam
- Roots: Latin enigm
- Roots: Greek entom
- Roots: Latin equ
- Roots: Greek erythr
- Roots: Greek etym
- Roots: Latin fatu
- Roots: Latin felic
- Roots: Latin flagr
- Roots: Latin flu, flux
- Roots: Latin frater
- Roots: Latin fug
- Roots: Latin funct
- Roots: Greek gam
- Roots: Latin gen
- Roots: Latin glac
- Roots: Greek gon
- Roots: Latin grad, gress
- Roots: Greek graph, gram
- Roots: Latin grav
- Roots: Greek gyn
- Roots: Greek heli
- Roots: Greek hem, em
- Roots: Latin herb
- Roots: Greek hier
- Roots: Greek hydr
- Roots: Greek iatr
- Roots: Greek icon
- Roots: Latin juven
- Roots: Latin juxta
- Roots: Greek klept
- Roots: Latin later
- Roots: Latin lev
- Roots: Latin lingu
- Roots: Greek lith
- Roots: Latin loqu
- Roots: Latin lumin
- Roots; Latin mal
- Roots: Latim mar
- Roots: Latin mater, matr
- Roots: Later mell
- Roots: Latin memor
- Roots: Greek morph
- Roots: Greek naut
- Roots: Greek neur
- Roots: Latin nov
- Roots: Latin nutri
- Roots: Greek nyct
- Roots: Latin obliv
- Roots: Greek odont
- Roots: Greek onym
- Roots: Greek ophthalm
- Roots: Greek ornith
- Roots: Latin oscill
- Roots: Latin pater, patr
- Roots: Greek path
- Roots: Greek ped
- Roots: Greek petr
- Roots: Greek phil
- Roots: Greek phot
- Roots: Greek pseud
- Roots: Latin pyr
- Roots: Latin quadr
- Roots: Latin quis
- Roots: Latin rept
- Roots: Latin rupt
- Roots: Latin rutil
- Roots: Latin sanguin
- Roots: Greek saur
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