Advanced guide to the writing process. Outlines, research, footnotes, bibliographies, plagiarism, illustrations. Grades 9–College.
Writing Skills 2 Flipper®-Topics – CLP-396W
- Types of Writing: Research Paper
- Types of Writing: Descriptive Writing
- Types of Writing: Narrative Writing
- Types of Writing: Explanatory (Expository) Writing
- Types of Writing: Persuasive (Analytical) Writing
- Tools: Books: Dictionary
- Tools: Books: Thesaurus
- Tools: Books: Stylebook (Style Sheet)
- Tools: Computers: Word Processing Programs
- Tools: Computers: Desktop Publishing Programs
- Getting Started
- Organizing Your Work
- Scheduling: Calendar
- Prewriting: Deciding on a Topic
- Brainstorming
- Brainstorming: Web
- Writing a Thesis Statement
- Organizing the Paper
- Researching: Make a Plan
- Researching at the Library: Card Catalogs
- Researching at the Library: Computer Catalogs
- Researching at the Library: Key Words
- Researching at the Library: Dewey Decimal System
- Researching at the Library: Books
- Researching at the Library: Magazine Articles
- Researching at the Library: Magazine Articles:
Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature
- Researching on the Computer: Encyclopedias
- Researching on the Computer: Media Specialist
- Researching on the Computer: Search Engine
- Taking Notes
- Taking Notes: 4″ x 6″ Reference Cards
- Taking Notes: 3″ x 5″ Source Cards
- Taking Notes: Methods: Paraphrase
- Taking Notes: Methods: Summary
- Taking Notes: Methods: Quotation
- Taking Notes: Photocopying
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- Citing Sources: Footnotes/ Endnotes
- Citing Sources: Footnotes/ Endnotes: Asterisk
- Citing Sources: Footnotes/ Endnotes: “Ibid”
- Citing Sources: Footnotes/ Endnotes: Samples of Sources
- Bibliography: Working Bibliography
- Bibliography: Final Bibliography
- Bibliography: General Guidelines
- Bibliography: Sample Entries
- Selecting Support: Balanced View
- Writing an Outline: Informal Outline
- Writing an Outline: Formal Outline
- Writing the First Draft: Opening
- Writing: Body
- Writing: Paragraphs
- Writing: Rule of 3
- Writing: The Conclusion
- Writing: The Conclusion: Subhead
- Illustrations: Charts, Graphs, Pictures
- Illustrations: Footnote/Endnote
- Illustrations: Bar Graphs
- Illustrations: Line Graphs
- Illustrations: Pie Charts or Graphs
- Illustrations: Tables
- Illustrations: Flow Charts
- Illustrations: Maps
- Revising: Read Aloud
- Revising: Title
- Revising: Paragraph by Paragraph
- Revising: Subtitles
- Revising: Sentence by Sentence
- Final Draft
- Final Draft: Font
- Final Draft: Left-Justify
- Proofreading: Capitalization
- Proofreading: Punctuation
- Proofreading: Sentence Fragments
- Proofreading: Verbs
- Proofreading: Pronouns
- Proofreading: Prepositions
- Proofreading: Dangling Modifiers
- Proofreading: Double Negatives
- Proofreading: Sexist Language
- Proofreading: a/an
- Proofreading: Confusing Words
- Proofreading: Spelling
- Examples of Proofreading Marks
- The Final Product: Margins
- The Final Product: “gutter”
- The Final Product: Good Ribbon
- The Final Product: Page Numbers
- The Final Product: Outline
- The Final Product: Table of Contents
- The Final Product: Tables
- The Final Product: Illustrations
- The Final Product: Title Page
- The Final Product: Spacing
- The Final Product: Endnotes
- The Final Product: Appendices
- The Final Product: Bibliography
- Final Checklist
- Writing Resources
- Your Next Paper
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